
Showing posts from March, 2021

Aztec's Headdress

An Aztec Headdress in Austria Aztec feathered headdress, reproduction. Original: early 16th century,  quetzal, cotinga, roseate spoonbill, piaya feathers, wood, fibers, amate paper, cotton, gold, and gilded brass ( ) The Feathered headdress is an Aztec possession and I believe it belongs in its rightful home in Mexico. Currently it is displayed in Austria and gathering it's own popularity but the piece was stolen. This story dates back in like the 16th century when Hernan Cortes who defeated the Aztecs at the time, saw this headdress and was astonished by its beauty; he sent it back to Europe. The headdress was said to actually belong to Moctezuma II who was the emperor of the Aztec empire who was defeated by Cortes in 1521. This headdre...